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KOK Langkaia
Welcome to the magic of sauna!
Step into a space of presence, joy, warmth, and relaxation.
KOK’s goal is to make you happy, and they guarantee you’ll leave feeling softer and more relaxed. Disconnect from the city, unwind, and take a deep breath.
Upon arrival, please check in with the sauna master before entering. This ensures they know you’ve arrived and can guide you to the right sauna.
Good to Know
Bring two towels—one for bathing and one to sit on in the sauna. Don’t forget swimwear and a water bottle.
Water and towels are available for purchase at KOK.
Sauna sessions last two hours, including changing time. Start changing 15 minutes before your session ends.
You can arrive anytime within the first hour, but no earlier than five minutes before your booking.
Wireless speakers are available for connection.
Ingen pas i dag
Koslig sted.
Sauna was not warmed up