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Boxning, Nørrebro, København
Med Bruce Studios kan du träna på hundratals studios i København och andra städer. Här hittar du våra studios i kategorin Boxning, Nørrebro, København.
Rolands Martial Arts
NørrebroRolands Martial Arts er et community med fokus på udvikling inden for kampsport. Personlig udvikling og selvforbedring i sind og krop gennem bevægelse. Der er plads til alle niveauer. **Godt at vide** * Rolands er netop rykket over i et nyt studie, så omklædning er under opbygning. Det er dog muligt at klæde om på toiletarealer eller inde ved badet. * Det er muligt at låne handsker, bånd og benskinner. Men selvfølgelig også tilladt at medbringe eget. * QR-koden kan findes i vinduet til højre for døren ved indgangen til omklædningsområdet.
Rules Boxing Club
NørrebroThe vision at Rules Boxing Club is to create a space where individuals can come together in an open-minded environment and become part of a community, driven by the shared passion for sport and boxing. Passion and community go hand in hand in the training. The goal is to create the ultimate training experience, while at the same time building cohesive communities across ages and different disciplines. At Rules, the strength is rooted in challenging the limits. **Good to know** * The entrance is in the courtyard through two metal doors. Walk past the mechanic and follow the sign to the right. The studio is on the second floor. * If it’s your first time boxing, please join the beginner class to get familiar with the sport. * Pads and gloves can be borrowed at the studio. * It is possible to buy gloves and wraps at the studio. * All boxing classes will be held in the big studio with the boxing ring. * All other classes will be held in the small studio with aqua bags.